Juhayna’s Commercial TV ad goes wrong with the word “Dondoo”

With the start of Ramadan, most month awaited by not only Muslim Arabs but also by commercial firms which seek to boost their reach and sales volume in this month. Firms compete fiercely in Egypt through Ramadan with their ads every year but this Ramadan seems to be slightly different in the content of the ads, made the society turn down the message of these contents.
Juhayna, a famous company in Egypt that we previously spook about including their marketing strategies and famous campaigns they made. However, juhayna introduced a commercial ad with the start of Ramadan, included the content of having 3 babies with the age of nearly one year talking together in a funny way discussing the difficulty of quitting breast feeding with the word “Dondoo” referring to the breasts.
Juhayna planned to gain huge attention with this ad and they did succeed but things doesn’t always go as planned or you could say fully planned. The word “dondoo” created a huge buzz through social media, with mostly men enjoying this word and the rest of society criticizing the word and the company.
Society said that this word encourages a new obscene language for sexually harassment females and already sexually harassment is 99.3% high, which the society could not withstand to go much higher.

Juhayna’s intention was not to create this kind of buzz and that is crystal clear looking back at their marketing strategies in Egypt. However, Juhayna underestimated the word “Dondoo” and the reactions that could occur against the word. How juhayna is going to deal with the current issues, a question to be asked by every marketer awaiting for the answer. 

12 marketing tips that every marketer must be aware of.

Marketing is an individualized and highly creative process. Despite the availability of high-powered computers and sophisticated software capable of analyzing massive amounts of data, marketing is still more of an art rather than a science. 
This requirement of marketing to play slightly different roles, depending upon some set of situation criteria, has in turn provided the division of marketing into a number of different categories. 

However, each business must customize its marketing efforts in response to its environment and the exchange process. Consequently, no two marketing strategies are exactly the same.
Therefore, here are 12 tips that would help increase your situation analysis and marketing effectiveness:

1. Most purchasing decisions are made in the unconscious.

2. Repetition is the secret to accessing the unconscious mind of people. The most important rule in marketing is repetition. Too many marketing programs give up too soon. On average, you have to have seven to nine repeats before you will see results in your marketing program.

3. Your marketing can be twice as effective if you aim it at both right-brained (emotional, aesthetic) and left-brained (logical, sequential) people. The North American population is about evenly divided, so if you use only one approach, half your advertising budget will be wasted.

4. The more data you have, and the more you know about your customers, the better your marketing will be. This data is available from many published sources, or you can collect your own by asking your customers lots of questions.

5. Children are influencing family purchases more today than ever. These are the results of more mothers working and children's greater access to media.

6. You can't rely on consumers to provide accurate information on their buying behavior. They don't always do what they say they will! Therefore, be careful in interpreting consumer surveys.

7. There are two bonds to make a sale - the human bond and the business bond. People would much rather do business with a friend than with anyone else. So become their friend.

8. People are human beings and like to be treated as such. Don't treat people as prospects; don't treat them as demographic groups.

9. People have a basic need to belong. Let them belong to your club. Recognize the 20% of your customers that give you 80% of your business.

10. Getting a person to say yes to a sale works best if you establish momentum first with lesser questions to which it is easy to answer yes.

11. Your customers will be buying a lot more than merely your product or service. They are buying your personality, your reputation, your service, and your status in the community.

12. People will remember the most fascinating part of your marketing and not necessarily your product or service. That is why you need to be very careful every step of the way.
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